Wednesday, November 6, 2013


In this journey that we are on I have been learning so much about the God that I serve. He has revealed Himself to me in ways that blow me away! Daily He is reminding of His faithfulness, and in turn how shallow my faithfulness to Him has been at times. If He is the God that I claim Him to be, how can I ever doubt Him? Maybe I am the only one that struggles with these type of questions, but then again, maybe I'm not. I am so thankful that His faithfulness to me is constant, never failing, full of grace and forgiveness, and is there for the taking. I know that this month is the month of thankfulness, but I want to be truly thankful for all in my life every single day, that includes the hard and trying times. Today, I am thankful for His faithfulness in every aspect of my life, even the not so pretty ones.

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